Sunday, February 24, 2008

We are still alive

This has been one looonnnggg week. Mike stayed home from church Sunday with the flu. I had the joy of taking two kids to church and trying to keep them happy during sacrament meeting. Then Alex didn't want to go to nursery but finally went with the nursery leader so I could teach my class. Half way through the leason he came back with poopy pants. All he wanted to do was climb all over everything. Oh what fun.
Monday I started coughing at work and feeling yucky. By Tuesday everyone had the flu and we all were miserable. Coughing, dry heaving and feverish. Thursday we finally dragged ourselves to Pocatello to have the kids checked out. Even though the kids have croupy coughs they said it was all the flu. We have slowly started to resume our lives. I sound like I have swallowed a frog and the kids still cough all day and all night but we are slowly getting better.
Thanks for all the prayers.
Mike is still feeding cattle and attending classes on Mondays and Fridays. We should take his stitches out at the beginning of this week.
Mikatie informed me that I don't love her as much as I do Alex because I let him sit on my lap more. I guess I need to be better at who gets to sit on my lap. She loves to draw and play at Grandma's house. She is wanting to be big so fast.
Alex is getting quit a vocabulary. He will repeat anything he hears and loves to talk and chatter.
I'm still busy being a mom and a nurse.
Hope all are well and happy.
The Olsens


Jamie said...

Sounds like you are in the same situation I am with the sickness. Except, I am waiting for the rest of my family to get it. I have it right now. Hope you all get better soon.

Rita Peck said...

Sorry it was such a tough week. I hope you get well soon. We have stayed away from it thus far and hopefully will continue to. Good luck