Monday, September 22, 2008

Potato Harvest

Once again it is potato harvest in Grace. Long days and dirt everywhere. Mike comes home covered in it. Every year Miles Brothers beg him to come and work for him so he does. Alex loves to ride in the truck with Daddy but Mikatie hates getting dirty and the dust in her face. Long hot days have now turned into wet rainy cold days. Fall is finally here.
Mikatie is loving Kindergarten but is excited to have 2 weeks to play with her cousins again. She is growing more and more everyday. She loves to help with anything. She is keeping me busy with all the questions she asks.
Alex has gotten the flu bug that is going around and has a fever and diarrhea. I'm really looking forward to him being potty trained but he isn't interested in it at all.
Work is good and I love my new schedule. It is nice to have Monday nights with the family and to go to church each Sunday. We are truely blessed.

1 comment:

Rita Peck said...

Hope Alex feels better soon. Good luck with Harvest.