Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kindergarten: Ready or Not.

Wednesday was my little pirates first day of school. She as you can see is thrilled. Mom not so much. It was hard letting her go. I was excited for her to learn and grow, but sad that this is a big milestone in her life. Tuesday night we went to a back to school night. We listen to the Principal give instructions then went to Mrs. Wilson's class. Mikatie was excited since she got to take all her school supplies with her. Mike's cousin's son Christen is in her class and some of the kids from our ward. She was excited to go. I was good untill Alex and I got in the van and then the tears started
to fall. I had to call my mom and get reassurances from her that is is how it is suppose to be. I never knew that cutting the apron strings hurt so bad. Mikatie was all smiles when kindergarten was over and has been excited everyday to go.

Alex and Mom have fun just the two of them. He has decided he is too big for naps and wants mom's full attention the four hours we are together. He is wanting everyone to call him Indiana Jones. Not sure where that is coming from must be Rita's and Nich's house. Since we have never watched it with him. We are trying to get him excited about using his toilet, but he still like his diapers, so we will just have to keep trying.

Mike has finished cutting hay in Gray's Lake area and now has started on the second crop of hay in Grace. He loves his new swather. I like that it cuts faster and doesn't break down as often. The buddy seat is nice not as nice as his seat but at least you have a place to sit when we ride with him. He loves mutual and hanging out with the Priest.

I've just gotten the chance to change my schedule. I won't have to work any Sundays with the new one. YEA!!!!! So next week I work Monday and Tuesday then I have till next Wednesday off. Then work Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat, Have Sun Mon off then work Tue and Wed then off till the next Wed. I am excited to get the chance to go to church every Sunday now.
Well that is about all I know so Thanks for reading.
The Olsens Mike, Katie, Mikatie and Alexander.


Rita Peck said...

What a great blog. Love the pics of Mikatie. I thought at first she had something wrong with her eye. Cool to have such a theme for her first day of school. As for Indiana Jones it could also be from Marty and Jamie's place as both sets of boys are addicted. COngrats on the new schedule. THat would be excited to go to church each week. So was this Monday your last or is next Monday your last? We will miss having Alex around. My kids are going through withdrawls as I only babysit one boy now. Good luck to Mike.

Jamie said...

I like you blog and page. It looks cool! I cried when I took Tyler to school too. In fact, today was still hard and it's his third day. They are growing up too fast. Yea, sorry, my kids are obsessed with Indiana Jones and they have only seen the Last Crusade once or twice.

Janel said...

I'm so excited you will be able to come to church every Sunday. It will be great to have you in Relief Society. It made Cam happy to see that Mike love going to mutual.