Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School Pic day!

Today at Kindergarten Mikatie had pictures taken. So we took some at home. We had to get a picture of the pumpkins with the kids before we cut them up. They had fun posing for the pictures.
I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. The kids just keep growing and time has just seemed to fly. Mikatie is loving school and has learned to skip in her PE class. She is now skipping here and there. We are working on jumping jacks and learning to jump in and out with her feet. She just likes to jump up and down. She is starting to read simple words like see and sam. She brings home

books that she reads to Mike and I. What a smart little lady we have.
Alex is growing and changing more and more. He loves to share his Dad's tools and is wanting to go with him to work. He enjoys his time with his sister, but is liking time with Mom. We have been to the library and just hanging around the house together. I wish he would get interested in potty training but he could care less about going in the toilet. Oh well. He is a big tease like his Dad.
Mike is hunting and dreaming of snowmobiling and snow. He is planning all the changes he can make to his and my snow machines.
He loves to play with the kids and I think even enjoys the days he gets them all to himself.

I have been busy with work. The hospital has been very busy so I have been working almost non stop and on different days. I start my rotation tomorrow and work four days. It has been hectic and
the house is a mess but oh well it will still be a mess in 4 days.
We are going to try to texture the stairwell and hallway downstairs. Right now I'm trying to get the old and loose paint off. IF anyone has free time I can put you to work. Just kidding.
Hope you all are doing well. I enjoy reading the updates and learning about what is going on in your lives.

The Olsens


Rita Peck said...

I have to say the last picture is my favorite. I love Mikatie's pose in it. It is so her. Good to hear everyone is doing so well. Good luck with the stairs.

Janel said...

Tyler also learned to skip and do jumping jack in kindergaten P.E. It was so funny to watch him do it as fast as he could.
Cute pictures.

Jamie said...

Cute pictures of Mikatie and Alex, crazy that they are growing up so fast! I need to finish painting in my house too. Finding time is the key!